While writing the book that is only weeks away from being published, “Love Yourself First: Creating a Foundation for the LYF You Desire,” I began work on the follow-up specifically focused on romantic relationships. Right now, it simply has a
Overcoming narcissism involves understanding insecurity, unlearning harmful beliefs, relearning self-awareness, and asserting personal identity through boundaries, self-acceptance, and resilience in face of manipulation.
Exploring alternatives to assembly-line education, this approach emphasizes varied inputs, responsive feedback, continuous improvement, personalized learning, supportive environments, and valuing diversity for sustainable, individual-focused education.
Your uniqueness and flow (letting go) combined with self-awareness solidifies your self-worth.
Situation/ChallengeAccountability is a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy relationships and personal growth. However, some individuals may use certain phrases or excuses to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Recognizing these phrases and addressing them effectively can help foster a more
The key principle to flow and sustaining peace, love, and happiness is to establish clear and consistent definitions for these concepts, rooted in our personal values and beliefs. By doing so, we can maintain a sense of contentment and permanency, regardless of life's ever-changing circumstances.
Embracing a New Approach to ParentingSituation/ChallengeTraditional parenting methods often involve control, conformity, and coaxing, which can stifle a child’s creativity, independence, and emotional growth. As parents and caregivers, we must recognize the limitations of these outdated approaches and explore alternative
Situation/ChallengeIn our fast-paced and often emotionally charged world, it can be challenging to understand and manage our emotions and bodily sensations effectively. We may experience anxiety, stress, or other feelings without fully comprehending their origins or how to address them.
By following these steps and embracing the principle of allowing space for ourselves and others to process emotions, we can navigate through life's challenges with greater resilience and emotional well-being.
In this blog, we explore the internal dialogue between two perspectives, person A, the pessimist, and person B, the optimist. We discuss how to find healing and growth through self-acceptance, gratitude, and will, while also learning to inform person B through structure, research, and experimentation. By understanding the dynamics...