Life does have more to offer! You will need a map to discover the options, opportunities, and opposition.    COACHMe discover A program based on the groundbreaking work from the book "Deceptions, Distractions, and Disillusionment: Barriers to Your Success and Ours." COACHMatch discover COACHMetro Articulate the connection between leadership and culture as a basis for conceptualizing the need for individual expertise in corporate innovation. discover The commUnity solution is called COACHMatrixTM—25 common steps towards success based on the researched experience of leaders and influencers presented within the MatrixVxV curriculum. Join In

The Philosophy


The program addresses multiple systems levels through this sociocybernetic capacity-building structure. The multi-systemic impact of COACH Method builds Personal Insight, Partnering Criteria, and Community Capacity.


Life does have more to offer! You will need a map to discover the options, opportunities, and opposition.   


Articulate the connection between leadership and culture as a basis for conceptualizing the need for individual expertise in corporate innovation.


A program based on the groundbreaking work from the book "Deceptions, Distractions, and Disillusionment: Barriers to Your Success and Ours."


The commUnity solution informed by MatrixVxV—25 common steps of progressive success based on the researched experience of leaders and influencers.

    Connect with Dr. Michael A. Wright to create the change you want to see in the world.

    the founder

    Meet Dr. Michael A. Wright

    A WHOLE-LIFE COACH with thousands of professional contact hours,  Dr. Wright offers a systematic process for identifying and acting on your personal passion in daily life organizing household and finance, career & education, family relationships, and faith to work in concert toward your success. If you have more ideas than strategies, more to say than capacity to write, or more month than financial means, Dr. Wright can help.
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    Dr. Michael A. Wright

    COACH Method is his signature innovation spawning projects at multiple systems levels with the goal of creating a more just, progressive, and sustainable community.

    Seminal Texts

    Strategies That Work

    COACH Method is an intervention at multiple systems levels (individual, institutional, and community). The systematic process identifies individual social capital and encourages individuals to seek and participate in social contracts. Individual social capital connects in dyads, connecting to larger social networks, connecting to markets for economic gain that extends to the larger community.

    GamePlanning Your Success

    COACHMe is the signature technique of the COACHMethod. Cultivate the DRIVE, DIRECTION, DISCIPLINE, and DOING toward your readiness for partnership.


    Deceptions, Distractions, and Disillusionment

    Barriers to your success and Ours. But we can correct the faulty assumptions and unsustainable obligations.

    Love Yourself First (2)

    Love Yourself First (LYF)

    What if you loved from a position of loving yourself first? The experience for all involved would be different.

    COACHMatrix Makes the Difference

    The progression of your come up begins with whatever gets you on the path. Your next steps continue sustainably through You, an Excellent Therapist to Establish Healing, and a Competent Coach to Brainstorm Ideas, Create Content, Maintain Accountability, Package Programs, and Share Solutions. After that, you need a strong commUnity of support.